Friday 30 November 2007

11,353 uVme Games Played in 48 Hours

During the latest uVme games beta-testing session, which lasted from midnight Friday through midnight on Sunday (48 hours), 11,353 games were played.

That means an average of 236.5 games were played every hour. And that is with a relatively small testing audience of around 400 people - just imagine the kind of games traffic you are going to have once uVme is open to the public!

It’s mind-boggling!

Thursday 29 November 2007

Stella's Bee Joke!

There's two bees - a mummy bee and a baby bee and
the mummy bee says to the baby bee : Beehive!
The baby bee then says : I am beehaving mummy!
The mummy bee then says (getting quite angry) : Beehive!
Then the baby bee says (also getting quite angry) : I am beehaving mummy!
The mummy bee the says (really angry by now) : In the Beehive NOWW!!!
And then the baby bee says (now quite upset) : Oh, sorry mummy

Thursday 22 November 2007

Cheam Fields Primary School Choir

Stella in Cheam Choir!

The Cheam Fields Primary School Choir performing at the Sutton Shopping Centre "Xmas Light Turn-on" with Radio Jackie.

Saturday 17 November 2007

Andy's Business Invitation!

Hi all!

If you know me professionally through any of the following:

Airpic Ltd
Blue Hawaii
Kingston University
Sage Publication
Saffron Computer Services
Thurrock County Council
Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Consilium Technologies
Consilium / TotalMobile

And you would like to get back in touch you can do so through

View Andy Murray's profile on LinkedIn

Friday 9 November 2007

Cheam Fields School Disco

All in Black!

Stella, Monica and Monica's friend Emma Niemann ready to go to the Cheam Fields Primary School Disco.

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Stella's Joke

How do you make a "Witch" itch?

Take away the "W"!

Saturday 27 October 2007

Cousins together

Monica, William, Jasmin and Stella
24th October 2007

Stella and Monica - Half Term at Grandparents

Stella, William and Monica in Portsmouth

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Monica's Poem

I want to be friends with you till the sun has burnt out and the clouds go purple
If we are friends I will let you use my favourite pencil.

I will give you my love and heart and my last piece of chocolate
I will like you more than Justin Timberlake my favourite popstar.

Monica Murray

Monday 17 September 2007

New Job

Andy started a new job with
AMT-Sybex as a Mobile Solutions Architect

17th September 2007

Sunday 9 September 2007

Warwick Castle Day-out

Stella and Monica in Warwick Castle Stocks

Tuesday 26 June 2007

Monica's new book.

Today Monica met the author Margaret Bateson-Hill at school.
Monica loved meeting her and bought the book Lao Lao of Dragon Mountain which Margaret signed for her.

Monica has already read it cover-to-cover twice. I'll get her to do a review.

Monday 25 June 2007

School Fancy dress

Stella is dressed as Pippi Long Stocking.

Monica as a Disney Princess

<--- Click on the image to open it to full screen!

Thursday 21 June 2007

Post on Behalf of Monica (Aged 7)

Soon we will be going to Bulgaria for the Summer holidays. It will be very hot.

We have lots of friends, Mimi, Petya, Constantine, Julia to name just a few!

I'll speak again soon,


Monica xxx

Tuesday 19 June 2007

The Mum Detective byGwyneth Rees

I've just finished the book 'The Mum Detective'. I really liked the book and I found out how much fun it would be to be a detective.
If I had to give the book a rating out of 10 my rating would be 9. I would give it 9 because the book gets a bit confusing.
The book is about a 12 year old girl called Esmie who wants to be a detective when she grows up. But when Matthew, her 16 year old brother's gilrfriend, Jennifer wanted to find her mother who had left when Jennifer was a little girl things start going wrong!
Other books by Gwyneth Rees ared listed below.
  • Mermaid Magic
  • Fairy Dust
  • Fairy Treasure
  • Fairy Dreams
  • Cosmo and the Magic Sneeze
  • The Mum Hunt
  • My Mum's from Planet Pluto

The Mum Detective by Gwyneth Rees

Stella is currently reading...


"You'd make a really good mum detective," Holly said. "One who specializes in finding missing mother."

Esmie is really excited that her dad is getting on so well with Lizzie, his new girlfriend. Lizzie is so nice Esmie sometime even forgets about her real mother, who died when she was a baby.

But then Lizzie starts behaving strangely - saying she's at work when she's not. Esmie plotted for so long to bring her dad and Lizzie together. Could she be about to lose her second mum - before she's even got to know her?

This is a sequel to THE MUM HUNT

Read more about Mum Detective at Amazon

Andy's New Squidoo

I've just published a new webpage at Squidoo all about the new business opportunity.

Please take a look at it and rate it's content.

Monday 18 June 2007

Stella emailing Ramona

Here is a quick photograph daddy took of me (Stella, between Mummy and Monica) whilst emailing a Bulgarian friend called 'Ramona'.


Stella xxx

Sunday 17 June 2007

Stella, Monica and a Fairy in London

Policeman in a Tutu

Here is a bizarre street performer with Stella and Monica.

London Eye - June 17th, 2007

Father's Day 2007

Today we took daddy on a day out to the London Eye. Here are some of the photographs we took.

We also went for a short walk on a bridge over the Thames.

Later, Daddy drove us out to Walton-on-Thames and we had a nice family dinner at a pub called the Thames Court. (Address - Towpath, Shepperton, TW17 9LJ.